Sunday, April 25, 2010

How can I write something on a photo on windows movie maker 2.6 for Windows Vista?

I want to write something on a photo on windows movie maker 2.6 for vista how can I do this? When I try to I only write on a blue back ground but I want to write on a phote how can I do this? Please help me!!!

How can I write something on a photo on windows movie maker 2.6 for Windows Vista?internet explorer 6

I'm no Movie Maker expert but I've just fired it up and did the following.

Turn the timeline on. View menu%26gt;timeline.

Drag your photo onto the start of the video timeline at the bottom of the screen or right click and select "add to timeline".

Under edit on the left select "Titles and credits".

Select "Title on the selected clip".

Type your text and hit add title.

On the timeline you should see your photo at the start of the video timeline and your title text under it on the title overlay timeline.

Select your photo on the timeline and press play.

Your text should appear over the photo with a nice fade in and out effect. While it's playing you should be seeing a vertical green line moving along the timeline at the bottom of the screen.

You can click on your text box on the timeline and drag it so it appears later in your movie or right click and edit it to change the text. You should be able to add multiple photos and text titles to your movie.

Good luck.

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