Friday, November 27, 2009

How do u you download videos from YouTube and put em into Windows Movie Maker?

I have a "VideoDownloader" which can download videos from youtube, google etc. But I want to download a Youtube video take some parts and put it into Windows Movie Maker to make a video. "VideoDownloader" wont do that. It says Windows Movie Maker does not support this format or invalid format. Plz help me!

How do u you download videos from YouTube and put em into Windows Movie Maker?microsoft project

First, you need to rip the video with either one of these free sites:

I personally prefer Vixy because it can convert files from .avi to .mp3 and stuff. Just copy and paste the YouTube URL into the box where it says "URL".

After converting the video, it's import-ready on Windows Movie Maker.

Trust me on this one!

Let me know if you have problems.

How do u you download videos from YouTube and put em into Windows Movie Maker?microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

Download Ares Tube.

After it has loaded, click on "File" (top left), then Options.

Click on MPEG so that it converts the video to a Windows Movie Maker supported file.

Or click iPod if you want it converted to iPod format.
there's a software or a website which does it. there used to be a site called:, but it went down, but i'm sure there's another option.
Please try TubeHunter Ultra which downloads videos from over 300 youtube kind webs into Windows Movie Maker.

www [DOT] neoretix [DOT] com


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